در Education

Mumshad has led teams in APAC, focusing on DevOps and Cloud Automation. His expertise in designing and deploying applications on Microsoft Azure and developing CI/CD pipelines has been pivotal in his professional journey. Mumshad has also worked for Dell EMC, he held various roles including Solutions Architect/Developer and Storage Operations Specialist, where he specialized in storage automation and cloud deployment solutions. His contributions in application modernization and cloud migration are notable. Nick is a very good instructor and his training helped me to understand how Docker works.

  • If you’ve never used Docker before, this is the best course for you.
  • This course was recorded with a studio grade microphone and I’m using serious business headphones to edit everything.
  • Add tooling and configuration to enable improved developer experience when working with containers.
  • So if you wish to keep yourself updated with the latest technologies, it is important for you to learn docker.

Practical DevSecOps offers excellent security courses with hands-on training through browser-based labs, 24/7 instructor support, and the best learning resources. We have also configured the lab environment for our future docker security lessons. Now that we have installed Virtualbox and downloaded course OVA file.

Docker Engine, Storage

The step by step instructions going from the bottom to the top while giving me a full overview of the stack gave this course that little extra I’ve missed in courses from other Docker instructors. I’ve been writing software for Docker for DevOps Lessons 30 years and while I do have some ops experience, I just couldn’t wrap my head around Docker until I met Nick and completed his course. The way he explained how Docker works, and all of the examples really tied it all together.

The assignment will push you to research and develop your own Docker images. It doesn’t just give you knowledge but it also builds an extremely solid foundation so you can face real world tasks or scenarios which helps you to get jobs. I love the pace and the structure of the lessons, and the information is provided in the context of using Docker in real-life scenarios. Nick is very responsive and you can feel his enthusiasm for the subject matter. I wouldn’t hesitate recommending this course to people who want to know more about Docker.

Differences between Docker and Virtual Machine

Use container registries such as Dockerhub to share and distribute container images. Please note that while Docker runs on all major operating systems and even on ARM architecture, this course material may not cover platform-specific details for all operating systems. However, we’ve had students successfully complete the course using a variety of machines and operating systems. This course is designed to be completed sequentially, from start to finish.

  • The step by step instructions going from the bottom to the top while giving me a full overview of the stack gave this course that little extra I’ve missed in courses from other Docker instructors.
  • There are two primary ways to run containers with Docker Desktop, docker run and docker compose.
  • Another advanced Docker course, Docker & Kubernetes covers everything you need to know about both Docker and Kubernetes technologies.
  • Docker is heavily used to deploy security tooling in DevSecOps.

However, Johnston also spoke to The Register about the challenges of shifting strategy and dispensed advice for those pondering a license change. Using Docker essentially means having a good understanding of the most important commands that you will need to use in Docker. This lesson provides a summary of the most important configuration options when running containers with Docker. Today, you saw how powerful containers are and how you can leverage them to go to market faster. Using container technology, businesses can go to market faster, gain more customers, generate more revenue, provide employment to more people and create wealth for their nations.

Lack of mature Security tools

Every time you try to update or create a new project, you’re stuck battling those tools all day. You also dread moving your app to production or another machine. Docker packages software into containers, allowing for isolation and scalability when it comes to deploying applications.

Docker for DevOps Lessons

It’s like having a perfect brand new VM to play around with, but with no waiting time. Now to start it back up, we can run either docker start followed by the long container ID, or we can use the nickname that docker automatically gave it. Looks like our container is finally up, I’ll just create a quick file on the root, exit from the container shell, and do an LS so that you can see we now have a totally new environment to play around with.


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